Link Root word Meanings Origin
Examples and Definitions
a/n not, without Greek
abyss - without bottom; achromatic - without color; anhydrous - without water
a on Latin afire - on fire; ashore - on the shore; aside
- on the side
a, ab/s
from, away, off Latin abduct - carry away by force; abnormal - away from normal, not normal; absent - away, not present; aversion - the act of turning away from; abbreviate: to shorten.
from, away, off Latin abduct - carry away by force; abnormal - away from normal, not normal; absent - away, not present; aversion - the act of turning away from; abbreviate: to shorten.
a/c/d to,
toward, near Latin
accelerate - to increase the speed of; accessible - easily
entered, approached, or obtained; admittance - allowing into;
acro top, height, tip, beginning Greek
acrobat - a "high walker"; acronym - a word
formed from the first (capital) letters of a word; acrophobia - fear of height
act do Latin
activity - something that a person does; react - to do something in response;
interaction - communication between two or more things
aer/o air Greek
aerate - to let air reach something; aerial - relating to the air; aerospace -
the air space
agr/i/o farming Latin
Greek agriculture - management of the land, agribusiness - making money by utilizing land; agrarian - relating to the management of land
Greek agriculture - management of the land, agribusiness - making money by utilizing land; agrarian - relating to the management of land
alg/o pain Latin
neuralgia - pain caused by a nerve; analgesic - a drug that makes one pain
free; nostalgia - aching for the familiar
amphi both, on both sides, around Latin
ambidextrous - able to use both hands equally; ambiguous - having more than one
meaning; ambivalence - conflicting or opposite feelings toward a person or
walk, move Latin amble - to walk in a slow,
relaxed way; ambulant - walking or moving around; ambulance - a vehicle that
moves a patient
love Latin amiable - friendly, pleasant,
lovable; amity - friendly and peaceful relations; amorous - showing romantic
up, back, against,
again, throughout Greek analysis - a close examination of something; anatomy - the structure of something as visible when cut up for analysis; anachronism - not being in the right place in time
again, throughout Greek analysis - a close examination of something; anatomy - the structure of something as visible when cut up for analysis; anachronism - not being in the right place in time
andr/o man, male Greek androgynous - being both male and female;
android - resembling a human; misandry - hatred towards men
life, spirit Latin animal - a living
organism; animate - to make alive; equanimity - of balanced spirit
year Latin anniversary - a date observed once
a year; annual - happening once a year; millennium - 1,000 years
before, in front Latin antecede - to come
before something in time; antemeridian - before noon; anteroom- a small room
before the main room
flower Greek chrysanthemum and amaranth - names
of flowers; anthology - a collection of treasured writings; anthozoan - half
plant, half animal, like anemones and corals.
human Greek anthropology - the study of
mankind; anthropomorphism - giving human form to non-human things; philanthropy
- the love to mankind (expressed through good deeds)
against, opposite of Greek antibody - a
substance that destroys micro-organisms; antiseptic - preventing infection;
antisocial - opposing social norm
apho away, off, separate Greek
aphorism - a short expression of a general truth; apology - an explicit
expression of regret, apostrophe - a small dash used in place of an omitted
water Latin aquarium - a water container for
fish; aquatic- relating to water; aqueduct - a pipeline for water
tree Latin arborist - someone working with
trees; arbor - a shady area formed by trees; arborous - having many trees
chief, most important, rule Greek archbishop - the highest ranking bishop; archenemy - chief or worst enemy; matriarch - a female who rules a group; monarch - a king or queen
chief, most important, rule Greek archbishop - the highest ranking bishop; archenemy - chief or worst enemy; matriarch - a female who rules a group; monarch - a king or queen
primitive, ancient Greek archaeology - the
study of ancient cultures; archaic - belonging to an earlier period; archive -
a collection of historical materials
joint Latin
Greek arthroscope - a tool to see inside a joint; arthritis - inflammation of a joint; arthropod - invertebrates with jointed legs, like spiders, crustaceans, insects
Greek arthroscope - a tool to see inside a joint; arthritis - inflammation of a joint; arthropod - invertebrates with jointed legs, like spiders, crustaceans, insects
skill Latin artifact - object made by a
person's skill; artisan - a person skilled in a craft; artist - a person who
creates skillfully
aster star, stars, outer space Latin astronaut - a person traveling to the stars; astronomer - someone who studies the stars; asterisk - a star-shaped sign used as a reference tool
aster star, stars, outer space Latin astronaut - a person traveling to the stars; astronomer - someone who studies the stars; asterisk - a star-shaped sign used as a reference tool
hear Latin audible - loud enough to be heard;
audience - people who listen to a program; audiovisual - relating to sound and
self, same, one Greek autocrat - a person who
governs with absolute power; autograph - a person's own signature; automatic -
moving by itself
bird Latin aviary - a large enclosure for
birds; aviatrix - a female airplane pilot; aviation - the art of designing or
operating aircraft
pressure, weight Greek baric - pertaining to
pressure, esp. of the atmosphere; milliard - metric unit, equal to 1/1000th of
a bar; baryon - heavy elementary particle
war Latin bellicose - warlike; belligerent -
hostile, ready to fight; rebel - person who opposes and fights
good, well Latin benefactor - person who
gives money to a cause; beneficial - producing a good effect; benevolent -
showing kindness or goodwill
two, twice, once in every two Latin biannual
- happening twice a year; binoculars - optical device with two lenses;
bilateral - of or involving two sides
book Greek bibliography - a list of books used
as sources; bibliomania - an extreme love of books; bibliophile - a person who
loves books
life, living matter Greek biography- a life
story written by another person; biology - the science of life; biosphere -
Earth's surface inhabited by living things
cell, primitive, immature cell Greek blastula -
an early stage of embryonic development; fibroblast - a cell that forms
connective tissue; blastoderm - the layer surrounding the inside of an egg
pouch, purse Latin bursar- an administrative
officer in charge of funds; bursary- the treasury of a college or monastery;
disburse- to expend especially from a public fund
stone Latin calcite; calcium- the flame of acetylene
gas generated by reaction of calcium carbide with
water; calcification- impregnation with calcareous matter
glowing, iridescent Latin candid- free from
bias, prejudice, or malice; candle- something that gives light;
incandescent- white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat
perceive - to take notice of something; captivating -
taking hold of
heart Greek cardiac - relating to the heart;
cardiogenic - resulting from heart disease; cardiologist - a heart doctor
flesh, meat Latin carnivorous - flesh-eating;
carnal - pertaining to the body or flesh; incarnate - given bodily form
down, against
completely, intensive,
according to Greek cataclysm - a flood or other disaster, catalog - a complete listing; catastrophe - turning for the worst, a substantial disaster
completely, intensive,
according to Greek cataclysm - a flood or other disaster, catalog - a complete listing; catastrophe - turning for the worst, a substantial disaster
caut to burn Latin
caut to burn Latin
cauterize - to burn with a hot instrument; caustic -
capable of burning or eating away; holocaust - total devastation, especially by
cess go, yield Latin
cess go, yield Latin
exceed - to go beyond the limits; recede - to go back;
accessible - easily entered, approached, or obtained;
fast Latin accelerate - to increase the speed
of; decelerate - to reduce the speed of
hundred, hundredth Latin centennial- the
100th anniversary; centimeter - 1/100 of a meter; century - 100 years
center Greek egocentric - self-centered;
eccentric - not having a common center, not according to norm; centrifugal -
moving outward from a center
head Greek encephalitis - inflammation of the
brain; cephalic - pertaining to the head; cephalopod - marine mollusks like
octopus and squid who have tentacles growing from their head cerebr/o brain Latin cerebral - pertaining to the brain; cerebrate
- to use the brain; cerebrospinal - pertaining to the brain and the spinal cord
sure Latin ascertain- to find out something
with certainty; certain - being absolutely sure; certify - to state that
something is true
chromat/o, chros color, pigment Greek
achromatic - without color; chromium - a blue-white metallic chemical element,
chromatics - the study of color
time Greek chronic - lasting for a long time;
chronological - arranging events in time order, synchronize - happening at the
same time
gold, yellow Greek chrysanthemum and
helichrysum - golden/yellow flowers; chrysolite - a yellowish gem
cise cut, kill Latin homicide
- murder; incisor - a sharp tooth for cutting food; insecticide - a chemical
used to kill insects
circle around, about Latin circumnavigate - to sail around; circumscribe - to draw around; circumspect - looking around
circle around, about Latin circumnavigate - to sail around; circumscribe - to draw around; circumspect - looking around
clam shout, speak out Latin
clamor - to shout and make noise; exclaim - to cry out loudly and suddenly;
proclamation - something announced officially in public
clear Latin clarification - an explanation;
clarify - to make something clear; declare - to state something clearly
clus close Latin conclusion -
the end or last part; exclusion - shutting out, rejecting; seclude - to keep
away from; to isolate
lean Latin inclination - a leaning toward;
incline - a surface that slopes or leans; recline - to lean back and relax
with, together, joint Latin coauthor - writer
who collaborates with another author; coeducation - educating males and females
together; cohousing - planning your neighborhood in an intentional neighborly
together, jointly Latin Collaborate - to work
together; collision - smashing together; colloquial - words formed by everday
together, common Latin commemorate - to
memorize together; composition - an arrangement or putting together of parts;
commune - living together while owning things in common
know Latin cognition - process of acquiring
knowledge; incognito - disguised so no one knows you; recognize - to discover
that one knows
with, jointly Latin concur - to agree with
someone; contemporary - of the same time period as others; convention - a
gathering of people with a common interest
against, opposite Latin contradict to argue
against, Contraflow, contraception, contrary not in agreement, controversy
body Latin corporation - a company recognized
by law as a single body; corpse - a dead body; corporal - pertaining to the
universe Greek cosmonaut - a Russian astronaut;
cosmos - the universe; microcosm - a miniature universe
opposite, contrary, opposing counteract - to oppose the effects of an action;
countermand - to cancel a previous order; counteroffensive - attack against an
skull Greek craniology - the study of skull
characteristics; cranium - skull of vertebrates; cranial - pertaining to the
believe Latin credence - belief that
something is true or valid; credulous - believing things too easily, gullible;
incredible - unbelievable
cross Latin crucial-characteristic of or
having the form of a cross ; crucifix- the cross itself as a Christian emblem;
excruciating- so intense as to cause great pain or anguish
hidden, secret Greek cryptic - of hidden
meaning; cryptography - science of secret codes; encrypt - encode into secret
mass, heap Latin accumulate - to gather or
pile up; cumulative - gradually building up
curs run Latin concurrent-
running parallel; current- flowing easily and
smoothly; cursive- having a flowing, easy, impromptu character
circle, ring Greek bicycle - a vehicle with two
wheels; cycle - a sequence that is repeated; cyclone - a storm with circling
reduce, away, down, remove Latin decelerate -
to slow down, reduce speed; dethrone - to remove from power; debug - to remove
deka ten Greek decade - 10 years; decathlon - athletic contest that includes 10 disciplines in which each participant competes; December - formerly the 10th month of the Roman calendar
deka ten Greek decade - 10 years; decathlon - athletic contest that includes 10 disciplines in which each participant competes; December - formerly the 10th month of the Roman calendar
one tenth Latin deciliter - a tenth of a
liter; decimate - reduce dramatically; decibel - one tenth of the sound volume
unit bel
people Greek democracy - government of the
people; demographic - the study of people; epidemic - spreading among people in
a region
half, less than Latin demitasse - a small cup
of coffee; demimonde - someone of little respected life style
tree Greek philodendron - a climbing plant that
grows on trees; dendrochronology - dating events by studying growth rings in
trees; dendriform - in the shape of a tree
dont tooth Latin dental -
relating to teeth; dentist - a doctor for the teeth; dentures - a set of false
skin Greek dermatologist - a doctor for the
skin; pachyderm - a class of animals with very thick skin (elephant,
rhinoceros); dermatitis - inflammation of the skin
two, twice Greek dichromatic - displaying two
colors; diploma - a certificate, literally "a letter folded double";
dilemma - a situation that requires a choice between two alternatives.
apart, away,
not, to the opposite Latin digression - a departure from the main issue, subject; disappear - to move out of sight; dissect - to cut apart piece by piece.
not, to the opposite Latin digression - a departure from the main issue, subject; disappear - to move out of sight; dissect - to cut apart piece by piece.
through, between,
apart, across Greek diabetes - disease characterized by excessive thirst and discharge of urine; diagnosis - understanding a condition by going through a detailed review of symptoms; dialog - conversation between two people.
apart, across Greek diabetes - disease characterized by excessive thirst and discharge of urine; diagnosis - understanding a condition by going through a detailed review of symptoms; dialog - conversation between two people.
speak Latin contradict - to express the
opposite of; prediction - a statement foretelling the future; dictate - to
speak out loud for another person to write down.
master Latin dominate - to be the master of;
domineering - excessively controlling; predominate - to have more power than
give Latin donation - a contribution or gift;
donor - someone who gives something; pardon - to give forgiveness for an
lead Latin conduct - to lead musicians in
playing music; educate - to lead to knowledge; deduction - a subtraction of an
two, twice Latin duplicate - make an
identical copy; duet - a musical composition for two voices or instruments; duo
- a pair normally thought of as being together.
harden, to last, lasting Latin durable -
having the quality of lasting; duration - the length of time something lasts;
enduring - able to last.
power, energy, strength Greek dynamo - a
generator of energy; dynamic - having physical energy/power; dynamite - a
powerful explosive.
abnormal, bad Greek dyspepsia - abnormal
indigestion; dystopia - an imaginary place of total misery; dyslexia -
impairment of the ability to handle words.
out, away Latin eloquent - speaking
beautifully and forcefully; emissary - a representative of a country or group
sent on a mission; eject - throw out forcefully.
self Latin
Greek egoistic - self-centered; alter ego - a higher aspect of oneself; egomania - excessive preoccupation with oneself.
Greek egoistic - self-centered; alter ego - a higher aspect of oneself; egomania - excessive preoccupation with oneself.
en into, cover with, cause empathy - intention to feel like
another person; empower - put into power; engorge - make larger.
within, inside Greek endotherm - a creature
that can keep its inside temperature fairly constant; endocrine - relating to
glands that secrete directly into the blood or lymph; endogamy - the custom to
marry within one's clan, tribe etc.
anni years Latin bicentennial
- of or relating to an age or period of 200 years; centennial - of or relating
to an age or period of 100 years; perennial -lasting through many years.
in inside, inwards Latin
envision - to picture in the mind; enclose - lock inside; inwards - towards the
on, upon, over,
among, at, after,
to, outside Greek epidemic - the rapid spread of something negative; epilogue - a short speech delivered after a play; epicenter - the center of an earthquake.
among, at, after,
to, outside Greek epidemic - the rapid spread of something negative; epilogue - a short speech delivered after a play; epicenter - the center of an earthquake.
equal, equally Latin equidistant - an equal
distance from two points; equanimity - calm temperament, evenness of temper;
equation - a statement of equality.
work Greek ergonomics - study of the working
environment; energy - the power to accomplish work; energetics - science that
looks at energy and its transformation.
feeling, sensation, beauty Latin esthetician
- someone who beautifies; aesthetic - pertaining to a sense of beauty;
kinesthesia - the sensation of bodily movement.
race, people Greek ethnic - pertaining to a
defined group of people; ethnocentric - focusing on the ethnicity of people;
ethnology - the science of people and races.
good, well Greek euphemism - replacing an
offensive word with an inoffensive one; euphonious - having a pleasant sound;
euphoria - feeling of well-being.
from, out, Latin excavate - to dig out;
exhale - to breathe out; extract - to pull out.
extro outside, beyond Latin
extraordinary - beyond ordinary; extraterrestrial - outside the Earth;
extrovert - an outgoing person.
make, do Latin artifact - an object made by a
person; factory - a place where things are made; malefact - a person who does
bear, bring, carry Latin confer - to bring an
honor to someone; ferry - a boat that carries passengers; transfer - to move to
another place.
faith Latin confide - place trust in someone,
fidelity - faithfulness; fiduciary - a trustee;
bend Latin deflect - to bend course because
of hitting something; inflection - a bending in the voice's tone or pitch;
flexible - easily bending.
fleur flower Latin florist - someone working with flowers; floral - flowerlike; flora - the plant life of a particular time or area
fleur flower Latin florist - someone working with flowers; floral - flowerlike; flora - the plant life of a particular time or area
completely (used to intensify
the meaning of a word) forsaken or forfeited - completely lost; forgiven - completely given (a release of debt).
the meaning of a word) forsaken or forfeited - completely lost; forgiven - completely given (a release of debt).
in front of, previous, earlier forebear - ancestor; forebode - to give an
advance warning of something bad; forecast - a preview of events to be.
shape Latin conformity- correspondence in
form, manner, or character; formation- something that is
formed; reformatory- intended for reformation
frag break Latin fracture - a
break; fragile - easy to break; fragment or fraction - a part or element of a
larger whole;
flee, run away, escape Latin fugitive - a
person who is running away; refuge - a sheltered place to flee to; refugee - a
person seeking protection
perform, work Latin defunct - no longer
working or alive; function - to work or perform a role normally; malfunction -
to fail to work correctly.
pour Latin confusion - being flooded with too
much information that is hard to make sense of; fuse - to melt by heating;
infuse - to put into.
stomach Greek gastric - pertaining to the
stomach; gastronomy - serving the stomach by providing good food; gastritis -
inflammation of the stomach.
genesis birth, production,
formation, kind Greek genealogy - the study of the history of a family; generation - all the people born at approximately the same time; genetic -relating to heredity encoded in the genes.
genesis birth, production,
formation, kind Greek genealogy - the study of the history of a family; generation - all the people born at approximately the same time; genetic -relating to heredity encoded in the genes.
earth, soil, global Greek geography - study of
the earth's surface; geology - study of the structure of the earth; geoponics -
soil based agriculture.
old age Greek geriatrics - medicine pertaining
to the elderly; gerontocracy - the rule of the elders; gerontology - the
science of aging.
a billion Greek gigabyte - unit of computer
storage space; gigahertz - unit of frequency (one billion Hz/sec); gigawatt
unit of electric power (one billion watts).
angle Latin
Greek decagon - a polygon with 10 angles; diagonal - a slanting line running across a space; octagon - a geometrical figure with 8 angles.
Greek decagon - a polygon with 10 angles; diagonal - a slanting line running across a space; octagon - a geometrical figure with 8 angles.
letter, written Greek diagram - a simple
drawing; grammar - rules of how to write words in sentences; telegram - a
message sent by telegraph.
grain Latin granary- a storehouse or
repository for grain especially after it is threshed or husked; granola- a
mixture of rolled oats and other ingredients; granule- a little grain
(as of sugar)
graph/y writing, recording,
written Greek Graphology - the study of
handwritings; autograph - written with one's own hand; seismograph - a machine
noting strength and duration of earthquakes.
grat pleasing Latin gratify - to please someone; grateful -
feeling thankful; gratuity - a tip, token of appreciation.
woman, female Greek gynecology - the science of
female reproductive health; gynephobia - fear of women; gynecoid - resembling a
grad/e/i to step, to go Latin
digression - a departure from the main issue, subject, etc.; progress -
movement forward or onward; gradual - step by step.
hecat hundred Greek hectoliter
- 100 liters; hectare - metric unit equaling 100 ares or 10,000 square meters;
hectometer - 100 meters.
spiral, circular Greek helicopter - an aircraft
with horizontal rotating wing; helix - a spiral form; helicon - a circular
sun Greek heliotropism - movement or growth in
relating to the sun; heliograph - apparatus used to send message with the help
of sunlight; helianthus - genus of plants including sunflowers.
hemi half, partial Greek hemicycle - a semicircular structure;
hemisphere - one half of the earth; hemistich - half a line of poetry.
blood Latin
Greek hemorrhage - clotting of the blood; hemorrhoids - swelling of the blood vessels; hemoglobin - red blood particle.
Greek hemorrhage - clotting of the blood; hemorrhoids - swelling of the blood vessels; hemoglobin - red blood particle.
liver Latin hepatitis - inflammation of the
liver; hepatoma - a tumor of the liver; hepatotoxic - toxic and damaging to the
seven Greek heptagon - a shape with seven
angles and seven sides; Heptateuch - the first seven books of the Old
Testament; heptameter - a line of verse consisting of seven metrical feet.
herbi grass, plant Latin herbicide - any chemical used to kill unwanted
plants, etc.; herbivorous - plant-eating; herbal - relating to plants.
different, other Greek heterogeneous - made up
of unrelated parts; heteronyms - words with same spelling but different
meanings; heterodox - not conforming to traditional beliefs.
six Greek hexagon - a shape with six
angles/sides; hexameter - a verse measured in six; hexapod - having six legs.
tissue Greek histology - study of the
microscopic structure of tissues; histochemistry - study of the chemical constitution
of cells and tissues.
homeo like, alike, same Latin
Greek homogeneous - of the same nature or kind; homonym - sounding alike; homeopath - a therapy that is based on treating "same with same"
homeo like, alike, same Latin
Greek homogeneous - of the same nature or kind; homonym - sounding alike; homeopath - a therapy that is based on treating "same with same"
liquid, water Greek hydrate - to add water to;
hydrophobia - intense fear of water; hydroponics - growing plants in liquid
nutrient solution; hydraulic - operated by force created by a liquid.
moisture, humidity Greek hygrometer - tool used
to measure humidity; hygrograph - instrument for recording variations in
atmospheric humidity.
too much, over,
excessive, beyond Latin
Greek hyperactive - very restless; hypercritical - too critical; hypertension - above normal pressure.
excessive, beyond Latin
Greek hyperactive - very restless; hypercritical - too critical; hypertension - above normal pressure.
hyp/o under Greek hypoglycemia - an abnormally low level of sugar
in the blood; hypothermia - abnormally low body temperature; hypothesis - a
theory that is unproven but used under the assumption that it is true.
medical care Greek geriatrics - medical care of
the elderly; pediatrician - a doctor who treats children; podiatry - medical
care for feet.
image Latin
Greek icon - an (often religious) image, in modern usage a simplified graphic of high symbolic content; iconology - science of symbols and icons; iconoclast - someone who destroys religious images and traditional beliefs.
Greek icon - an (often religious) image, in modern usage a simplified graphic of high symbolic content; iconology - science of symbols and icons; iconoclast - someone who destroys religious images and traditional beliefs.
peculiar, personal, distinct Greek idiomatic -
Peculiar to a particular language; idiosyncracy - a physical or mental
characteristic typical or a particular person; idiot - someone who is
distinctly foolish or stupid.
in in, into Latin illuminate
- to give light to; innovation - a new idea, method, or device; inspection -
the act of examining or reviewing.
il, im,
in, ir not, without Latin illegal - not legal; impossible - not possible; inappropriate - not appropriate; irresponsible - not responsible.
in, ir not, without Latin illegal - not legal; impossible - not possible; inappropriate - not appropriate; irresponsible - not responsible.
likeness Latin image - a likeness of someone;
imaginative - able to think up new ideas or images; imagine - to form a picture
or likeness in the mind.
beneath, below Latin infrastructure -
underlying framework of a system; infrared - below the regular light spectrum.
between, among, jointly Latin international -
involving two or more countries; intersection - place where roads come
together; intercept - to stop or interrupt the course of.
intro within, inside Latin intrastate - existing in one state; intravenous - inside or into a vein; introvert - shy person who keeps within him/herself.
intro within, inside Latin intrastate - existing in one state; intravenous - inside or into a vein; introvert - shy person who keeps within him/herself.
not Latin irredeemable - not redeemable;
irreformable - not reformable; irrational - not rational.
iso equal isobar - a line
on a map connecting points of equal barometric pressure; isometric - having
equality of measure; isothermal - having equal or constant temperature.
throw Latin eject - to throw
someone/something out; interject - to throw a remark into a discussion; project
- to cast or throw something.
law Latin judgment - a decision of a court of
law; judicial - having to do with judges or courts of law; judiciary - a system
of courts of law.
join Latin conjunction - a word that joins
parts of sentences; disjunction - a disconnection; junction - a place where two
things join.
young Latin juvenile - youthful or childish;
rejuvenate - to bring back to youthful strength or appearance.
/mat motion, division Greek kinetics - study of the force of motion; psychokinesis or telekinesis - the ability to move objects with your mind; cinematography - motion picture making.
/mat motion, division Greek kinetics - study of the force of motion; psychokinesis or telekinesis - the ability to move objects with your mind; cinematography - motion picture making.
work Latin collaborate - to work with a
person; elaborate - to work out the details; laborious - requiring a lot of
hard work.
milk Latin lactate - to give milk, nurse;
lactose - the sugar contained in milk; lactic acid.
side Latin bilateral - of or involving two
sides; unilateral - affecting one side of something.
leuc/o white, colorless Greek leukemia - abnormal increase of white blood cells in the blood; leukocyte - a mature white blood cell; leucine - a white, crystalline amino acid.
leuc/o white, colorless Greek leukemia - abnormal increase of white blood cells in the blood; leukocyte - a mature white blood cell; leucine - a white, crystalline amino acid.
word, law, reading Greek lexicology - the study
and history of words; alexia -loss of the ability to read; illegal - not
authorized by the official rules or laws.
free Latin liberate - to set free; libertine
- a person with a free, wild lifestyle; liberty - freedom.
language, tongue Latin linguist - one who
studies languages; multilingual - able to communicate in multiple languages;
linguine - long, flat "tongue-shaped" pasta.
fat Greek liposuction - the mechanical removal
of fat reserves in the tissue; lipase - enzyme that breaks down fat; lipoid -
resembling fat.
lith/o mineral, rock, fossil Greek apatite - a group of common minerals; granite - a hard, granular rock; monolith - a remarkable, unique stone.
lith/o mineral, rock, fossil Greek apatite - a group of common minerals; granite - a hard, granular rock; monolith - a remarkable, unique stone.
place Latin dislocate - to put something out
of its usual place; location - a place; relocate - to move to a new place.
word, doctrine, discourse Greek logic - correct
reasoning; monologue - a long speech by one speaker;analogy - similarity,
especially between things otherwise dissimilar.
locu speak Latin eloquent -
speaking beautifully and forcefully ; loquacious - very talkative; elocution -
art of public speaking.
light Latin elucidate - to explain, to throw
light on; lucid - easily understood, giving off light; translucent - allowing
light through.
lus to play Latin prelude -
introduction to the major performance; illusion - misleading optical image or
impression; delude - to mislead, deceive.
light Latin illuminate - to fill with light;
lumen - unit measuring light.
moon Latin lunar - relating to the moon;
lunarscape - the surface of the moon; lunatic - insane (as if driven mad by the
large, great Greek macroevolution - large scale
evolution; macromolecule - a large molecule; macroeconomics - study of the
overall forces of economy.
great, large Latin magnify - make larger;
magnificent - grand; magnate - a powerful person, especially in business or
bad, ill, wrong Latin malcontent - wrong
content; malaria - "bad air", infectious disease thought to originate
from the "bad air" of the swamps, but caused by the bite of an
infected mosquito; malicious - showing strong ill will.
hand Latin maneuver - to move by hand; manual
- done with the hands; manuscript - a book written by hand.
to order Latin command - an order or
instruction; demand - a hard-to-ignore order; mandate - an official order.
madness, insanity,
excessive desire Greek bibliomania - a crazy love of books; egomania - a mad love of oneself; maniac an insane person.
excessive desire Greek bibliomania - a crazy love of books; egomania - a mad love of oneself; maniac an insane person.
sea Latin
marina - a harbor for pleasure boats; maritime - relating
to the sea; submarine - an undersea boat; aquamarine - color of sea water.
matr/i mother Latin maternal - relating to motherhood; maternity - the state of being a mother; matriarch - a woman head of a household.
matr/i mother Latin maternal - relating to motherhood; maternity - the state of being a mother; matriarch - a woman head of a household.
greatest Latin maximal - the best or greatest
possible; maximize - to make as great as possible; maximum - the greatest
middle Latin medieval - pertaining to the
Middle Ages; medium - in the middle; mediocre - only of medium (inferior)
great, large, million Greek megalopolis - an
area with many nearby cities; megaphone - a device that projects a loud voice;
megastructure - huge building or other structure.
black Greek melancholy - a state of dark
emotions; melanoma - malignant dark tumor of the skin; melodrama - a dark,
pathetic drama.
remember Latin commemorate - to honor the
memory of, as by a ceremony; memorial - related to remembering a person or
event; memory: an ability to retain knowledge or an individual's stock of
retained knowledge.
mers dip, dive Latin immerge or immerse - to put or dip something into a liquid; submerge to dip something completely into wate.r
mers dip, dive Latin immerge or immerse - to put or dip something into a liquid; submerge to dip something completely into wate.r
middle Latin
Greek Mesoamerica - Middle America; meson - elementary particle with a mass between an electron and a proton.
Greek Mesoamerica - Middle America; meson - elementary particle with a mass between an electron and a proton.
change, after, beyond, between Greek metaphysics
- study of nature and reality; metamorphosis - a complete change of form;
metastasis - the transmission of disease to other parts of the body.
metr/y measure Greek audiometer- an instrument that measures hearing acuteness; chronometer- an instrument that measures time; metric - measured.
metr/y measure Greek audiometer- an instrument that measures hearing acuteness; chronometer- an instrument that measures time; metric - measured.
very small, short, minute Greek microbe - a
very small living thing; microchip - a tiny wafer with an integrated circuit;
microscope - a device to see very small things.
middle Latin
Greek midriff - the area between the chest and the waist; midterm - middle of a term in school; midway - halfway between.
Greek midriff - the area between the chest and the waist; midterm - middle of a term in school; midway - halfway between.
move Latin immigrant - a person who moves to
a new country to settle; migrant - person who moves from place to place;
migration - the process of moving.
onethousandth Latin millimeter - one
thousandth of a meter; millibar - one thousandth of a bar; milliliter - one
thousandth of a liter.
small, less Latin mini - something that is
very small; minuscule - extremely tiny; minutiae - very small or trivial
bad, badly, wrong, wrongly,
to hate Greek misbehave - to behave badly; misprint - an error in printing; misnomer - an error in naming a person or thing.
to hate Greek misbehave - to behave badly; misprint - an error in printing; misnomer - an error in naming a person or thing.
mit send, let go Latin
dismiss - to send someone away; missile - a weapon sent into the air; emit - to
send something out; admittance - entry.
move Latin immobilize - to stop from moving;
mobile - able to move freely; mobility - the quality of being able to move.
one, single, alone Greek monochromat - having
one color; monologue - a speech spoken by one person; monotheism - belief in
one god.
mov move Latin motion - the
act of moving; motivate - to move someone to action; promote to move someone
forward; removable - able to be taken or carried away.
form Greek metamorphosis - complete change of
form; endorphins - chemical in the brain able to transform pain; amorphous -
without distinct shape or form.
death Latin immortal - living forever, unable
to die; mortal - certain to die; mortician - an undertaker.
many, more than one or two Latin multicolored
- having many colors; multimedia - using a range of media; multitasking - doing
many things at once.
change Latin immutable - not changing; mutant
- an organism that has undergone change; mutate - to undergo a change.
muscle Latin myocardium - the middle muscle
of the heart; myasthenia - muscle fatigue or weakness; myosin - common protein
in muscle tissue.
tell Latin narrate - to tell a story;
narrative - a story; narrator - a person who tells a story.
born Latin innate - included since birth;
natal - relating to birth; natural - gotten at birth, not afterward.
ship Latin circumnavigate - to sail around a
place; naval - relating to a navy or warships; navigate - to sail a ship
through a place.
dead, death Greek necrophil - loving death;
necrosis - the death of tissue due to disease or injury; necrology - a list of
persons who have recently died.
no Latin negate - to say it didn't happen;
negative - meaning "no"; renege - to go back on a promise.
new, recent neoclassic - a revival of classic form, neocolonialism - the
indirect ("new") economical and political control of a region by a
more powerful foreign power; neonatal - a newborn child, especially the first
few weeks.
kidney Greek nephritis - inflammation of the
kidneys; nephrotomy - surgical incision of a kidney; nephron - a single,
excretory unit in the kidney.
nerve Greek neuralgia - pain along a nerve;
neurologist - doctor specializing in the nerves; neurotic - mental disorder
that usually does not include an impaired perception of reality.
name Latin misnomer - an error in naming a
person or thing; nominal - being something in name only but not in reality;
nominate - to name for election or appointment, to designate.
no, not, without Latin nondescript - with no
special characteristics; nonfiction - true, real, not made-up; nonsense -
without sense.
mark Latin notable - marked as worthy of
attention; notarize - to certify a signature on a legal document; annotate - to
add remarks.
nunc declare Latin announce - to declare in public; denounce - to proclaim harsh criticism; enunciate - to speak or declare something clearly.
nunc declare Latin announce - to declare in public; denounce - to proclaim harsh criticism; enunciate - to speak or declare something clearly.
new Latin innovate - to introduce a new way;
novelty - something new; novice - a person who is new at a job; renovate - to
make something like new again.
number Latin enumerate - to name a number of
items on a list; numerology - the study of magical uses of numbers; numerous -
a large number.
op in the way, against Latin
object - to be against something; obscure - hard to understand; opposition -
the act of resistance or action against.
eight Greek octagon - a figure with 8 sides and
8 angles; octogenarian - person in his or her 80s; octopus - sea animal with 8
eye Latin binoculars - lens device for seeing
distances; monocula - relating to one eye; oculist - an eye doctor.
path, way Greek diode- an electron tube
having two electrodes, a cathode and an anode; odometer- an
instrument attached to a vehicle to measure the distance
traversed; triode- an electron tube with an anode, a cathode, and a
control grid
all Latin omnipotent - with all the power;
omniscient - knowing all things; omnivorous eating all foods.
eye, visual condition, sight Greek optic -
relating to the eyes; optician - a person who fits eyeglasses; autopsy - the
examination of a dead body.
best Latin optimal - the best, the most
desirable; optimize - to make the best of; optimum - the best something could
straight Greek orthodontist - a dentist that
straightens teeth; orthopedic - a doctor concerned with the proper alignment of
the bones; orthography - the correct way of writing.
bone Greek osteoarthritis - inflammation caused
by degeneration of the joints; osteopathy - therapy that uses among others
manipulation of the skeleton to restore health; osteology - the study of bones.
goes beyond,
surpasses, exceeds Outgoing - being of lively, sharing nature; outdoing - doing better than; outdoor - outside.
surpasses, exceeds Outgoing - being of lively, sharing nature; outdoing - doing better than; outdoor - outside.
excessive Latin overconfident - more
confident than is appropriate; overstock - more supplies than is desirable;
overexcited - ,more excited than one should be.
sharp Greek oxymoron - combining two ideas that
sharply contradict each other; oxydize - corrode a surface.
ancient Greek paleontology - study of ancient
fossils; paleography - the study of ancient forms of writing; Paleolithic -
period of the Stone Age.
all, any, everyone Greek panacea - a cure for
all diseases or problems; panorama - an all-around view; pantheism - the
worship of all gods; pandemic - affecting all.
beside, beyond, abnormal,
assistant Greek parasite - an organism that lives on and off another living being; parallel - alongside and always an equal distance apart; paragraph - a portion of a writtenn document that presents a distinct idea.
assistant Greek parasite - an organism that lives on and off another living being; parallel - alongside and always an equal distance apart; paragraph - a portion of a writtenn document that presents a distinct idea.
protection from parachute - protection from falling; parasol - an umbrella used
to protect from the sun;
patr/i father Latin
Greek paternal - relating to fathers; paternity - fatherhood; patriarch - a man who rules a group.
patr/i father Latin
Greek paternal - relating to fathers; paternity - fatherhood; patriarch - a man who rules a group.
feeling, emotion antipathy - a feeling of great dislike; apathy - a lack of
feeling or interest; empathy - ability to understand another's feelings.
foot, feet Latin pedal - a lever pushed by
the foot; pedestrian - one who walks; pedicure - cosmetic treatment of feet and
drive, force Latin compel - to force someone
to act; expel - to drive someone out of a place; repel - to force back.
five Greek pentagon - shape having 5 angles and
5 sides, pentagram - a five-pointed star formerly used as a symbolic figure in
magic; pentathlon - an athletic contest that includes five events.
peps digestion Greek dyspepsia - abnormal digestion; peptic - aiding digestion; pepsin - a digestive enzyme.
peps digestion Greek dyspepsia - abnormal digestion; peptic - aiding digestion; pepsin - a digestive enzyme.
through, throughout Latin permanent - lasting
throughout all time; permeate - to spread throughout; persist - to continue for
a long time; perennial - lasting through many years.
around, enclosing Greek periodontal -
pertaining to bone and tissue around a tooth; peripheral - lying outside of the
center; perimeter - the outer boundary of an area.
to eat Greek esophagus - muscular tube that
carries food to the stomach; anthropophagy or sarcophagy - cannibalism;
xylophagous - feeding on wood.
love, friend Greek philanthropist - one who
loves humanity; philology - the love of words; philosophy - the love of wisdom;
bibliophil - loving books.
/e/y sound Greek cacophony - loud, unpleasant sounds; microphone - a device that records and amplifies sound; phonetic - relating to human speech sounds.
/e/y sound Greek cacophony - loud, unpleasant sounds; microphone - a device that records and amplifies sound; phonetic - relating to human speech sounds.
light Greek photogenic - caused by light;
photograph - image made on light-sensitive film; photon - the smallest possible
unit of light.
leaf Greek chlorophyll - a group of green
pigments found in leaves; phyllotaxis - the arrangement of leaves on a stem;
phyllite - a rock that forms sheets, similar to slate.
nature, medicine, the body Greek physical -
relating to the body; physician - a doctor; physique - nature and shape of
one's body.
plant, to grow Greek epiphyte - a plant growing
independently on the surface of another; hydrophyte - a plant that grows only
in water; neophyte - a beginner, especially a person recently converted to a
new belief.
to form, development,
forming cells Greek protoplasm - something that is the first made or formed, also the living portion of a cell; plastic - able to be formed, especially when warm; plaster - a mixture of lime, sand and water that forms a smooth solid covering for walls.
forming cells Greek protoplasm - something that is the first made or formed, also the living portion of a cell; plastic - able to be formed, especially when warm; plaster - a mixture of lime, sand and water that forms a smooth solid covering for walls.
plod, plaus, plos approve, clap Latin
applaud- to show approval of especially by clapping the hands; explosion-
an act of exposing something as invalid or
baseless; plausible- worthy of being applauded
breathing, lung, air, spirit Greek pneumonia -
inflammation of the lungs; pneumatic - using the force of air; dyspnea -
difficulty breathing.
foot Greek podiatrist - a doctor for the feet;
podium - a small platform to stand on; tripod - a stand or frame with 3 legs.
city Greek metropolis - a large city; police -
people who work for the government to maintain order in a city; politics -
actions of a government or political party.
many, more than one Greek polychrome - with
many colors; polyglot - a person fluent in many languages; polygon - shape with
3 or more straight sides.
place, put Latin opponent - a person who
places him/herself against an action, idea, etc.; postpone - to put off doing
people Latin popular - appealing to a lot of
people; population - all of the people who live in a particular area; populist
- a supporter of the rights of people.
carry Latin export - to carry goods out of a
place to another; portable - able to be carried; porter - a person who carries
place, put Latin deposit - to place or drop
something; expose to place out into the open for all to see; position - the
place where someone is.
after, behind Latin posthumous - after
someone's death; postpone - to delay something; postscript - an addition to an
already completed document.
earlier, before, in front of Latin preamble -
a part in front of a formal document; prepare - to get ready in advance;
prediction - a statement foretelling the future.
before, in front of,
for, forward Greek
Latin prognosis - a prediction of what will happen; prologue - a passage before the main part; prophet - a person who foretells the future.
for, forward Greek
Latin prognosis - a prediction of what will happen; prologue - a passage before the main part; prophet - a person who foretells the future.
primitive, first, chief Greek prototype - the
first of a kind; proton - on of the very basic parts of an atom; protocol - a
first draft from which a document is prepared.
wrong,false Greek pseudonym - a fictitious
name; pseudoscience - theories presumed without proof of a scientific nature;
pseudopregnancy - a false pregnancy.
mind, mental Greek psyche - the human spirit or
soul; psychic - relating to the human mind or someone who has supernatural
mental abilities; psychology - the study of the mind.
pung to fight Latin pugnacious - having a quarrelsome or aggressive nature; repugnant - distasteful, offensive or revolting; pungent - piercing.
pung to fight Latin pugnacious - having a quarrelsome or aggressive nature; repugnant - distasteful, offensive or revolting; pungent - piercing.
urge compulsion - a very strong urge; expulsion - to someone out; impulsive -
having a spontaneous urge to do something.
clean Latin purge - remove anything
undesirable; purgatory - according to Roman Catholics a place where souls must
clean themselves of sin; expurgate - remove objectionable passages from a
think Latin computer - an electronic thinking
device; dispute - to disagree with what another person thinks; input -
contribution of one's thinking.
fire, heat Greek pyrotechnics - the art of
making fireworks; pyrometer - a thermometer for measuring high temperature;
pyretic - relating to or producing fever.
four Latin quadrant - open space with
buildings on 4 sides; quadrennium - period of 4 years; quadruped - a 4-footed
fourth Latin quarter - one fourth; quart - a
fourth of a gallon; quartet - a musical composition or group involving 4 voices
or instruments.
five, fifth Latin quintett - a composition
for 5 voices or instruments; quintessence - pure essence, based on the ancient
philosophy that there was a fifth element that was present in all things;
quintuple - fivefold.
radix root Latin eradicate - pull out at the roots; radical - fundamental, looking at things from a drastic point of view; radish - an edible root of the mustard family.
radix root Latin eradicate - pull out at the roots; radical - fundamental, looking at things from a drastic point of view; radish - an edible root of the mustard family.
radiation, ray radioactive - emitting radiation; radiologist - someone
diagnosing or treating via radiation.
branch Latin ramification - the resulting
consequence of a decision; ramify - to spread or branch out; ramus - a
branchlike part.
again, back, backward Latin rebound -to
spring back again; rewind - to wind something backward; reaction: a response;
recognize: to identify someone or something seen before.
guide, rule Latin regent - a person who rules
on behalf of a king or queen; regime - a government that rules; regulate - to
apply a rule.
backward, back Latin retroactive - relating
to something in the past; retrogress - to go back to an earlier condition;
retrospect - the remembering of past events.
nose Greek rhinoceros - a species of animals
with a big horn on the snout; rhinoplasty - surgery of the nose; rhinovirus -
viruses that are causing the common cold.
red Greek rhododendron - a flower with red/pink
flowers; rhodium - an element which produces a red solution; rhodopsin - a
purple pigment in the retina that is needed for vision.
laugh Latin deride - to make fun of someone;
ridicule - to make fun or mock; ridiculous - silly, causing laughter.
/oea/ag flow, discharge Latin
Greek diarrhea - abnormally excessive bowl movement; hemorrhage - heavy blood flow; catarrh - inflammation of a mucous membrane, especially the nose and throat.
/oea/ag flow, discharge Latin
Greek diarrhea - abnormally excessive bowl movement; hemorrhage - heavy blood flow; catarrh - inflammation of a mucous membrane, especially the nose and throat.
red Latin ruby - deep red color and a
precious stone of the same color; rubella - measles; bilirubin - reddish
pigment in bile.
break, burst Latin bankrupt - unable to pay
because you're "broke"; interrupt - to break into a conversation or
event, to disturb; rupture - a break in something.
health Latin sane - mentally healthy;
sanitary - relating to cleanliness and health; sanitation - maintenance of
public health and cleanliness.
climb, go Latin ascend - to climb upward;
crescendo - a climbing up of the volume of music; descend - to go or climb
know Latin conscience - sense of knowing
right from wrong; conscious - knowing what is happening; omniscient - knowing
hard Greek arteriosclerosis - hardening of the
arterial walls; multiple sclerosis - disease which causes the tissue of the
brain and spinal cord to harden; sclerometer - instrument for measuring
see, examine, observe Greek microscope - a
device used to see tiny things; periscope - a seeing instrument on a submarine;
telescope - a device used to see over a distance.
script write, written Latin inscribe - to write letters or words on a surface; scribe - a person who writes out documents; describe - to represent with words or pictures.
script write, written Latin inscribe - to write letters or words on a surface; scribe - a person who writes out documents; describe - to represent with words or pictures.
apart Latin secede - to formally break away
from; seclude - to keep away from; serum - a liquid isolated out of another.
cut Latin dissect - to cut apart piece by
piece; intersection - the place or point where two things cross each other;
bisect - to cut into two equal parts.
sid, sess sit Latin reside-
be stationed; sediment- the matter that settles to the bottom of a
liquid; session- an actual or constructive sitting of a body
of, for, or by itself self-discipline - the ability to discipline yourself;
self-respect - respect for yourself; selfish concerned only with your own
half, partial Latin semiannual - every half
year; semicircle - half a circle; semiconscious - partly conscious; semiannual
- every half of a year.
seven Latin September - this used to be the
seventh month in the Roman calendar; septet - a group of seven musicians;
septuagenarian - a person in his/her seventies.
save, keep Latin conserve - to save or keep
something safe; preserve - to save something; reservation - a place kept for a
six Latin sextet or sextette - a composition
or group of six, sextuple - sixfold; sexagenarian - person in his/her sixties.
alone Latin desolate - lonely, dismal,
gloomy; solitary - done alone, by yourself; solo - a performance done by one
person alone.
sun Latin solar - involving the sun; parasol
- umbrella protecting from the sun; solarium - a room where one is exposed to
sun light.
sleep Latin insomnia - inability to fall asleep;
somniloquy - talking in your sleep; somnolent - feeling sleepy.
sound Latin consonant - a speech sound;
sonorous - producing loud, full, rich sounds; supersonic - faster than sound;
unison - as one voice.
wise Greek philosopher - a wise person;
sophisticated - wise about the ways of the world; sophism - a clever but
misleading argument.
spic see, look Latin circumspect - cautious, looking all around; retrospective - a looking back at past things; spectator - a person who sees an event.
spic see, look Latin circumspect - cautious, looking all around; retrospective - a looking back at past things; spectator - a person who sees an event.
ball Greek biosphere - the whole round surface
of the earth; hemisphere - half the earth spherically shaped like a ball.
breathe Latin inspire - to stimulate or
animate; transpire - to give of vapor with waste product through the skin or a
membrane; spirit - invisible life force.
stand Latin stable - standing steady and
firm; stagnant - standing still, not moving; stationary - at a standstill,
star Latin constellation - a group of stars
that forms a pattern; interstellar - between the stars; stellar - relating to
build Latin construct - to build; destruction
- the act of destroying something that was built; structure - something built;
infrastructure - underlying framework of a system.
under, lower than,
inferior to Latin submarine - an underwater boat; submerge - to put underwater; substandard - inferior to accepted standards.
inferior to Latin submarine - an underwater boat; submerge - to put underwater; substandard - inferior to accepted standards.
highest Latin sum - the combined total of
everything; summation - the total, highest amount; summit the highest point or
higher in quality
or quantity Latin Super bowl - the final annual football game; superior - above average, better in quality; supersonic - faster than the speed of sound.
or quantity Latin Super bowl - the final annual football game; superior - above average, better in quality; supersonic - faster than the speed of sound.
/n/l/s together, with, same Greek symmetry -similarity in size, form or arrangement; synergy - the combined effect; synchronize - to cause to occur at the same time.
/n/l/s together, with, same Greek symmetry -similarity in size, form or arrangement; synergy - the combined effect; synchronize - to cause to occur at the same time.
tang touch Latin
contact - a state in which two things touch; tactile - relating to the sense of
touch; tangible - able to be touched; intact - with nothing missing.
arrangement Greek syntax - the systematic
arrangement of words; taxonomy - the science of classification; ataxia - loss
of the ability to coordinate muscle action.
technique, skill Greek technology - the
practical application of knowledge; technocracy - rule of technology;
technologically - characterized by technology.
far, distant, complete Greek telephone -
a device to talk to a distant person; telescope - a device to view distant
objects; television - a device to receive pictures from afar; telecommuting -
working remotely, bridging the distance via virtual devices.
time Latin contemporary- existing at
the same time; temporal - relating to time; temporary - lasting for a limited
tin, tent hold Latin
continent- serving to restrain or limit; detention- the act or fact
of detaining, tenacious- having parts or elements strongly adhering to
each other
trit rub Latin attrition-
the act of rubbing together or wearing down; detritus- a product of
disintegration or wearing away; trite- used or occurring so often as
to have lost interest, freshness, or force
end, limit Latin determine - to find
something out at the end of an investigation; terminate - to end; exterminate -
to destroy or get rid of completely.
land, earth Latin extraterrestrial -
existing outside the earth; terrain - ground or land; territory - an area of
four Latin tetrapod - having 4 legs;
tetrarchy - government by 4 rulers; tetrose - a monosaccharide with four carbon
put Greek bibliotheca- a list or catalog
of books; theme- a proposition for discussion or
argument; thesis- a dissertation embodying results of original
research and especially substantiating a specific view
god Greek monotheism - belief in one god;
polytheism - worshiping more than one god; theology - the study of religion,
god, etc.
heat Greek thermal - relating to heat;
thermos - an insulated jar that keeps heat in; thermostat - a device that
controls heat.
twist Latin contortion - a twisted shape or
position; distort - to alter the shape or condition of; retort - reply in a
manner that is supposed to change the effect of something previously said.
poison Latin detoxification - the process of
removing poisons; toxic - poisonous; toxicology - the study of poisons;
intoxicated - influenced by drugs.
pull, drag Latin attract - to pull
objects nearer; distract - to drag attention away from something; tractor - a
motor vehicle that pulls things.
across,beyond, through Latin
transcontinental - across the continent; transfer - to move from one place to
another; transport - to carry something across a space.
three, once in every three,
third Greek
Latin triangle - a figure with 3 sides and 3 angles; triathlon - an athletic contest with 3 events; tricycle - a 3-wheeI vehicle with pedals.
third Greek
Latin triangle - a figure with 3 sides and 3 angles; triathlon - an athletic contest with 3 events; tricycle - a 3-wheeI vehicle with pedals.
beyond, extreme, more than Latin
ultrahigh - extremely high; ultramodern - more modern than anything else;
ultrasonic - sound waves beyond human hearing.
not,opposite of, lacking Latin
unabridged - not shortened; unfair - opposite of fair; unfriendly - lacking
one, single Latin unicycle - a vehicle
with one wheel; unilateral - decided by only one person or nation; unique - the
only one of its kind; unison - as one voice.
city Latin suburb - residential area on
the edge of a city; urban - relating to a city; urbanology - the study of city
empty Latin evacuate - to empty a
dangerous place; vacant - empty, not occupied; vacation - a time without work.
come Latin circumvent - to go around or
bypass restrictions; convention - a gathering or assembly of people with a
common interest; intervene - to come between.
truth Latin veracious - truthful,
honest; veracity - the truth; verify - to make sure that something is true.
word Latin verbalize - to put into
words; adverb - a word relating to a verb; proverb - a short saying that
expresses a well-known truth.
vert turn Latin reverse - to turn around; introvert - being turned towards the inside; version - a variation of an original; controversy - a conversation in which positions are turned against each other.
vert turn Latin reverse - to turn around; introvert - being turned towards the inside; version - a variation of an original; controversy - a conversation in which positions are turned against each other.
acting in place of,
next in rank Latin vice-president - the person next in rank to the president
next in rank Latin vice-president - the person next in rank to the president
see Latin evident clearly seen
vic conquer Latin convince - to win someone over; invincible - not able to be conquered; victory - the conquest of an enemy.
vic conquer Latin convince - to win someone over; invincible - not able to be conquered; victory - the conquest of an enemy.
vid see Latin vision -
the ability to see; envision - to picture in the mind; evident - clearly
vit live, life Latin revival - the act of bringing back to life; vital - pertaining to live; vivacious - high-spirited and full of life.
vit live, life Latin revival - the act of bringing back to life; vital - pertaining to live; vivacious - high-spirited and full of life.
voice, call Latin advocate - to speak
in favor of; equivocate - to use misleading language that could be interpreted
two different ways; vocalize - to produce with your voice.
wish, will Latin benevolent - showing
good will and kindness; volition - the act of making a choice or decision,
voluntary - resulting from your own free will.
vour eat Latin carnivorous - meat-eating; voracious - desiring or eating food in great quantities; devour - to eat quickly.
vour eat Latin carnivorous - meat-eating; voracious - desiring or eating food in great quantities; devour - to eat quickly.
yellow Latin xanthium- a genus of coarse and
rough or spiny herbs; xanthochromia- yellowish discoloration (as of the
skin or cerebrospinal fluid); xanthogenic
foreign Greek xenophobic - afraid of
foreigners; xenogenesis - the creation of offspring that is completely
different from either parent; xenophile - attracted to foreigners.
dry Greek xerophyte - a plant that grows
in dry climate; xerography - a dry photocopying process; xeric - requiring
small amounts of moisture.
wood Greek xylocarp; xyloid- resembling
wood; xylophone-an organ percussion stop of similar tone quality
animal life Greek zoology - study of
animals; zooid - resembling an animal; zooplankton - minute floating aquatic
pair Greek zygote - a cell formed by the
union of two gametes and the organism developing from that; zygomorphic -
pertaining to organisms that can be divided into symmetrical halves along one
axis only. - See more at:
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